Mountain hiking and campining skills - What's it all about?

During a 2 day expedition we explore the additional skills you'll need to 

You've gained experience navigating whilst hiking in middle and high mountain areas. Now you want to take it to the next level and add camping to the mix. During this two day expedition we teach you what you need to know to successfully plan and undertake a mountain expedition. We'll talk about tents, cooking equipment, general campcraft skills, and we'll support you while you find you're way from our start point to our overnight camp and then onto the finish the next day.


£260 for 1 person (click here for information on how to join an open session)

£156/Person for 2-6 clients


2 days


Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons), Yr Eryri (Snowdonia), other areas upon request



  • Understanding and moving in mountainous terrain
  • Relocation during navigation
  • Reading complex contours
  • Night and poor visibility navigation
  • Micro navigation
  • Flora and fauna
  • Campcraft
  • Weather forecasting

Ideal for:

Intermediate mountain walkers, climbers and mountaineers looking to undertake multiday trips in a high mountain setting.


6:1 Maximum

Fitness requirements

Medium. These courses are based in the mountains and will have greater physical demand. You should be able to sustain two days of hillwalking without difficulty. If you're not sure please contact us.

Prior experience required

It is recommended that participants should have completed training in more advanced navigation skills. If you would like us to run our Mountain Navigation course consecutively, please let us know.

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